Studio Jay

ABN 85 645 897 765

Studio Jay - Original Artworks direct from the artist

Jennifer Joy

unique artworks created from original photographs,
direct from the photographer/image-maker

Arabesque in Green & Gold 






About the image...

The original image taken on a beach in Victoria where the rocks had eroded into almost perfect geometric shapes. The circular rock pools were almost perfect circles, and the rocks seemed to have been ruled into a designed and purposefully sliced to create this arabesque design. All I have done is accentuated that which was already there, drawn by the hand of some almighty creator perhaps...


Click the image above (or here) for a larger view of the image 00531...

Click the image above (or here) for a larger view of the image 00532...

details from images 00531  00532


Image size:

#00531 ... 1000mm x 1250mm
#00532 ... 1000mm x 1000mm

Other sizes available on request.




Contact Details:

Jennifer Joy


PO Box 6296
South Lismore
NSW 2480